domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

Interview: Carol E. Zabaleta C.

Carol Elizabeth
what's your name? where are you from? what school in urbe are you from? how old are you? where do you live? 

she is Carol Elizabeth Zabaleta C. she is from la concepcion. she is a high school student at U.E.P. Manuel V. Romero G. she is fifteen years old. she lives at los lirios in la concepción.

what do you like doing? what things do you like? love? enjoy?

she loves be with her friends and family, go to the Legio Marie (she belongs to the Praesidium "Nuestra Sra. del Carmen"), she loves the animals, to sing. she likes all food!!!.

what things you don't like? hate? can't stand?
she don't like the pressure, she hates the impatience, she hate the war and the violence and she really hate the animal abuse and the race-hatred.

what is your dream? what do you want to do with your life?
she wants to be a recognized and she know various cultures; your dream is start a family. she wants learning many languages! travel around the world... get married and be a happy woman... having twins or triplets.

what's your opinion about english? do you like it? is it important? what do you do to study english? how do you prefer to study english?
she thinks that the english is very important in college, is a tool for the future, she like the english is Chevere! :D

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